About inner work
Inner work is a journey of personal evolution. It means weeding out the poison roots in the garden of your life and re-planting these spaces with healthy new seeds. As you progress on this journey and gain strength, the inner work process facilitated here will enable you to bring your Core Self - containing your true talents, joys and focus - to the surface. Because this work is about you becoming empowered to live and make authentic decisions from your Core, on a daily, monthly and lifelong basis. This work is about you meeting, re-claiming and stepping into the person you were born to be.
Customised sessions
In a safe and confidential space, Free Your Core does this by offering four transformational opportunities that can help you on your lifelong journey towards inner peace and wellbeing. These can be combined and customised to meet your needs and possibilities. Find out more below:
Sessions are available in English or Spanish.
... and feel free to get in touch for a free consultation and guidance on inner work exercises you can try at home.
Deep emotional healing
The inner work sessions and intensive inner work retreats offer the core process of deep emotional healing. These follow the 3Keys Approach to Self-Understanding. The tools used aim to 'unhook' the deep-rooted family and social conditioning or 'programming' behind each of your defensive or negative patterns and behaviours. This means that the work will help you slowly change the way you actually feel in response to certain situations, people and events, empowering you to make tangible changes in your life. Find out more about the benefits of inner work.
But wait... what do you mean, I'm 'programmed'?
You weren't born addicted to work, gambling, avoidant behaviour, social media, food, drugs and alcohol. Neither were you born abusive, stingy, a bully, a misanthrope, a narcissist, a procrastinator, or any other epithet that you or others attach to yourself.
And the reason you weren’t is because none of these are, in and of themselves, inborn ‘traits’. They are acquired attitudes and behaviours stemming from having to be a certain way when you were very small, as a way of surviving whatever was happening to you that sent the message it was not alright or safe to be you.
This is because, despite the best of intentions and the strongest will in the world, no caregiving environment can ever meet a child’s needs 100% of the time, to say nothing of caregivers who actively abuse or neglect their children due to their own toxic upbringing or having to raise them in unstable circumstances, such as war and poverty. In other words, you were ‘programmed’ to survive a certain way by your primary caregivers and wider environment. This, ultimately, resulted in a moving away from your Core Self because, already as that small child, you realised on an emotional and non-rational level that it was simply not ok to be wholly you.
Have no doubt, however, that you were indeed born an innocent child, ready to live life to the full and experience the world in all its colour. Ready to love, laugh, cry and feel fully, without pretence or fear, and with the accompanying relief, sense of deep wellbeing, and connectedness to yourself and others.
This process will help you remember how.