About me
Lidija Mavra, PhD

"Psychotherapists are those of us who are driven by our own emotional hunger."
Wounded Healers, Thomas Maeder
The quote above reflects my honest positioning in this particular healing profession. I could tell you that I am a PhD-qualified human geographer and a trained 3Keys practitioner, certified in administering the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment®. I could also tell you that I spent my impassioned twenties and early thirties working intensively with disadvantaged communities from London to Lima, doing social research, running a volunteer network and growing a social enterprise, throughout which I discovered that much of the pain in situations of social injustice is located on a much deeper, individual and familial level than the purely sociological.
These aspects are all true. And, I could tell you what is truer still: what ultimately motivated my entering the world of psychotherapy following my prior education and attempts to 'help' people was the inevitable face to face meeting with my own self. My own woundedness, vulnerability, and negative patterns and behaviours that no longer served me. So, humbled and compelled, I embarked on my own inner journey via the 3Keys model, ultimately finding my deepest calling in accompanying others on this most sacred of journeys.
To this day, I remain committed to my ongoing inner work, primarily by applying 3Keys approaches to myself and with the guidance of my mentors, alongside other nurturing practices such as yoga, long walks by the sea, time spent in solitude and reflection, and connecting with my wider community through volunteering and spontaneous acts of contribution.
In short, while the terrain and milestones of my inner journey will not be the same as yours, I've been round the landscape, time and time again, and humbly offer myself as a guide to help you navigate your way.