Guided inner work
Deep emotion-focused healing and action setting for change
Following the principles of the 3Keys Approach to Self-Understanding, the guided inner work I offer falls under the broad umbrella of somatic therapies - those that are of, and work with, the body and all physical feeling and emotion. You might see such work as a walk through the fire to your Core Self - a journey that is as transformative as it is turbulent. Specifically, this journey consists of:
Profiling the defense and core parts of your personality, using the Enneagram and MBTI® tools
Talking in detail through your history, considering your family of origin, the events and/or recurring patterns that have particularly marked you, and your present-day challenges
The inner work itself, using techniques such as imagery (light hypnosis and visualisations), dream work, body mindfulness, physical advocacy techniques and art work, among others
Setting new actions that resonate with your Core Self.
The latter two elements form the heart of our work together - work that will bring you closer, each time, to understanding, confronting and gently replacing a negative pattern, core belief or mindset with a much more empowering one that is true to who you are today. Each session is motivated by what you need from it. This need may arise from a trigger or stressor you’ve recently experienced, or a running theme, pattern or addiction that you struggle with, among other motivations.
Throughout this process, I act as your guide and safe space, gently encouraging you to take the lead in the process of your own self-discovery and subsequent decision making. What this means is that, at the end of our time together (and it does have an end!), you are empowered to use the inner work tools by yourself whenever you need them.
Sessions are available in English and Spanish.
Not sure if inner work is for you? Read my blog post about when the time is ripe for inner work.
Regular sessions

Ideal for those committed to integrating inner work into their daily lives. I currently offer regular sessions to people living in Tijuana, Mexico, and San Diego just across the border. While meeting online is possible, this works best for the initial few sessions that are talk-based and lay the foundations for the subsequent inner work, which is optimally conducted in person, and may continue via the intensives model.
In-person sessions in Tijuana or online via Zoom (or other preferred virtual means) can be arranged at flexible times Monday through to Saturday, and on a weekly or bi-weekly basis according to your needs, with the expectation of approximately a year's to a year-and-a-half commitment in total (although you are, of course, absolutely free to leave the process at any time and pick it up later if need be).
Sessions typically last 1-2 hours, depending on what you come to each one with. The fee is $50 USD per hour, with a sliding scale and a limited number of pro-bono slots available for those in constrained economic circumstances who are truly interested in the inner work journey.
Feel free to contact me for further details, a free introductory session, and ideas on some inner work exercises you can try at home.

Ideal for those seeking to make a major life shift(s) as a matter of urgency, and/or with the preference of undertaking inner work in a completely different environment to their everyday one.
This inner work structure is best suited to those who are able to take chunks of time out to focus on this most intensive of retreats, which are as turbulent as they are empowering.
The guided inner work on offer here is the same as that which takes place during regular sessions, but is concentrated in the space of 2-3 intensive periods of 7-10 days each. During this time, we work together for approximately 25-35 hours, meeting daily at a rhythm that works for you and with time built in for breaks. Following the first intensive, we typically take a break of around two months, to give you time to assimilate the work done into your daily life and begin your own, independent inner work practice, connecting online with me for support once every two weeks or so. We then re-convene for a second intensive, following the same pattern, with a third intensive possible in line with your needs.
Currently, I am available for intensives with those who are able to travel to Tijuana, Mexico (or cross to Tijuana daily from San Diego), at a cost of $65 USD/hour.