This exploratory opportunity will provide you with a clear and detailed map of where and how inner conflict may arise in your life.
As well as in regular weekly sessions, I am currently offering MBTI® and Enneagram profiling online via Zoom. This one-to-one session (available in English or Spanish) includes a brief introduction to the 3Keys Model for Self-Understanding in order to place this personality typing in context. The session typically lasts 3-4 hours and carries a cost of $200 USD (or $150 for those in economically restricted situations). Get in touch to find out more.
Personality profiling
Discover your MBTI® and Enneagram types in a customised online session
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) is the most widely used personality inventory in the world. It is based on the personality theories of Carl Jung and, for our purposes, used to profile your Core Self - the innate preferences and gifts you were born with. The reason we use the MBTI® as such is that it profiles four functions that are basic to every living creature on the planet - where we focus our attention and derive our energy from, how we take in or perceive information, how we make decisions about what to then do with that information, and how we relate to the world that is outside of our minds and bodies. Combined, these four functions create a rich image of the innate potential and current reality we hold within ourselves, together with areas of strength and learning that may well surprise you.
The Enneagram

The Enneagram is a historical personality typing system that has been validated through clinical research in the 20th century. For our purposes, the Enneagram is used to profile your defence mechanism. That is, the set of attitudes, skills and learned behaviours that you needed to develop in order to survive in the world, up to approximately 4-5 years of age (some would argue 8 years), with any further ‘defences’ acquired thereafter modelled after the blueprints of those earliest ‘installed’ ones. When combined with an understanding of your MBTI® type, your Enneagram profile can help you begin to truly appreciate how much your defence mechanisms have been dominating your life and, while originally intended to ensure your survival, no longer serve the adult you are today.